Account Services


Advertising Account ServicesWe work in a client-centered fashion, viewing client relationships as collaborative partnerships. Meaningful dialogue with each client is critical to successful communication – from account services to creative and media – to ensure that all interests are aligned with client expectations and outcomes from the get-go.

From the beginning of the partnership, we evaluate the proposed campaign or project against each client’s business and marketing objectives. Who are the target markets? What marketing tool or approach will be most effective? Can we take lessons from other industries and apply them?

We are research driven, quick to ask for client studies in hand, seek out syndicated research, and propose, as necessary, appropriate qualitative and quantitative studies. We then craft what we learn into effective strategies that become the foundation for all creative concept, tactical development and execution, and media deployment.

We know change is a project constant. But with detailed planning, budgeting, contingency scenarios and open communication, we try to predict bumps in the road, steer clear of them when possible, and keep clients informed of their options as we face inevitable changes.

Our work continues even after delivery. Once a campaign or project has launched, our team works on project documentation and post-project assessment. This keeps the work on track for ongoing improvement and launching upcoming phases. If we make miscalculations, mistakes, or come up short on results, we learn from them to make us smarter and more efficient for the next project.

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